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Role description - Research Fellow Polymer Engineering
Role description for a Research Fellow position to work in the Polymer Engineering Laboratory and the Materials and Nano Materials Laboratories.
Role description - Research Fellow Swarmchestrate
Role description for a Research Fellow position to work on a recently started EU project called Swarmchestrate - Application-level Swarm-based Orchestration Across the Cloud-to-Things Continuum.
Induction Guidance
Guidance on how to access your induction plan via HR Connect.
Research Induction Checklist
Introduction checklist for new research staff.
Academic Appointment and Promotions Framework
Framework for the appointment and promotion of academic staff.
Recruitment Fair Processing Notice
Provides information of General Data Protection Regulations and Recruitment
Recruitment Privacy Notice
Provides information of General Data Protection Regulations and Recruitment
Relocation Expenses Policy
The University aims to recruit the highest calibre staff and this is policy is intended to financially support new staff who meet the criteria to relocate to Edinburgh.
Travel and Expenses Policy
The University is committed to paying all employee expenses incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the performance of University business both within the UK and overseas. This policy provides some guiding principles which aim to help the University achieve a consistent approach.
Conflict of Interests Policy Framework
The University's conflict of interests policy, which members of staff at all levels and any associates acting on behalf of the University are expected to observe and adhere to.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
This document outlines the grievance policy and each stage of the procedure from the informal resolution to an appeal.
Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
Information on the policy and process for disciplinaries including informal support and the formal procedure.
Lothian Pension Fund (LPF) Pension Bandings 2024-25
Pension bandings for staff in the Lothian Pension Fund (LPF).
Performance Improvement Policy
This policy provides a clear framework for the consistent management of underperformance and applies to all employees.
Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This document provides answers to common questions about the University’s Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme.
Attendance Management Policy
This policy provides a clear framework for reporting, recording and managing all sickness absences in a fair and consistent way.
Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme - Onboarding Guide
This guide supports early career academics (ECAs) joining the University understand the expectations of their new role.
Colleague resources and support
At University are committed to providing a healthy working environment for all staff and to creating an inclusive, safe and supportive environment where health and wellbeing is at the heart of our culture.
Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme - Brochure
This brochure provides an overview of the University’s Early Career Academic Programme.
Armed Forces Covenant
The University is committed to honour the Armed Forces Covenant and support the Armed Forces Community.
Mental Health Strategy
The strategy is to ensure that the University is recognised as an organisation that safeguards and promotes the mental health and wellbeing of its students and staff and that it treats all members of its community equitably and with respect, kindness and empathy.
Role description - Maintenance Technician Electrical
This is a role description for a Maintenance Technician Electrical in the Property & Facilities Services team.
Role description - Security and Safety Assistant
This is the role description for a Security and Safety Assistant within the Property & Facilities Department.
Role description - Lecturer
This is a role description for Grade 6 Lecturer at the University.
Role description - Research Assistant Psychology (ADHD Studies)
Role description for a Research Assistant within the Psychology subject group investigating the experiences of people with ADHD in the workplace.
Role description - University Tutor
Role description for a University Tutor to deliver high quality, student centred teaching and support.
Relocation Expenses Claim Form
Relocation expenses claim form.
Student Visa Declaration Form
Declaration form for Tier 4 (T4)/ Student visa holders who are going to undertake work at the University.
Interview Expenses Claim Form
Form so candidates who need to travel to Edinburgh for interview can claim their expenses.
Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Policy
The University is committed to providing a safe and protected environment for its staff and students at all times, and complying with the relevant legislation to ensure that where staff carry out ‘regulated work’ under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) (Scotland) Act 2007 they are PVG scheme members.
Public Interest Disclosure Policy
This policy aims to encourage colleagues to report suspected wrongdoing and provides guidance on how to raise those concerns.
Adoption Policy
This policy provides information regarding the University’s adoption provisions and explains colleagues entitlements.
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
This policy provides guidance to managers and colleagues on the action that should be taken where they know or suspect a colleague may be using or misusing alcohol or other substances and signposts to support.
Dignity at Work Policy and Procedure
This policy and procedure applies to everyone at the University and aims to help prevent bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation.
Flexible Working Policy
This policy includes the eligibility and procedure for making a flexible working request, and you will find a form to apply.
Social Media Usage Policy
This policy provides guidelines for staff to comply with legislative requirements in relation to social media usage.
Shared Parental Leave Policy
This policy covers the rights and responsibilities of eligible colleagues who wish to take shared parental leave.
Standby and Call Out Policy
This policy stipulates what payments will be made to colleagues who are on standby or respond to a call-out.
Acting up and Additional Responsibility Allowance Policy
This policy provides information regarding colleagues who are acting up or have additional responsibility in their current role.
Attraction and Retention Premium Policy
This policy helps ensure that where necessary, the University can continue to recruit and retain colleagues when the labour market presents difficult conditions.
Paternity Policy
This policy provides information regarding the University’s paternity provisions and explains the colleague entitlements.
Maternity Policy
This policy sets out the rights of colleagues to maternity leave and pay and provides information regarding the University’s maternity provisions and entitlements.
Unpaid Parental Leave
This policy explains the purpose, eligibility and conditions of unpaid parental leave.
Disability Leave Policy
Information on the policy and process for disability leave as well as a Notification of Disability form.
Time Off For Dependant Care
This document is set out to provide clarity on the situations that are included in time off for dependants, as well as the procedure to be followed.
Homeworking Policy
This policy covers the conditions for homeworking on an occasional, regular and permanent basis. Also included is a homeworkers health and safety checklist.
Pay in Lieu of Pension Policy
This policy applies to those who have tax liability issues caused by accrual of pension. Includes a form to opt out of the pension scheme.
Pay scales 2024-25 - academic Grades 2 - 7
2024-25 pay scales for academic Grades 2 - 7, with on costs for National Insurance (NI) and Pensions.
Pay scales 2024-25 - non -academic Grades 2 - 7
2024-25 pay scales for non-academic Grades 2 - 7, with on costs for National Insurance (NI) and Pensions.
Casual Hours Claim Form
Form for casual workers to claim for hours worked.