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Generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) and assessment toolkit
Guidance for staff on how to support appropriate student use of Gen AI in learning, teaching and assessment.
Pay scales 2024-25 - academic Grades 2 - 7
2024-25 pay scales for academic Grades 2 - 7, with on costs for National Insurance (NI) and Pensions.
Pay scales 2024-25 - non -academic Grades 2 - 7
2024-25 pay scales for non-academic Grades 2 - 7, with on costs for National Insurance (NI) and Pensions.
Pay scales 2024-25 - Senior Managers
2024-25 pay scales for Senior Managers, with on costs for National Insurance (NI) and Pensions.
Foreign Payment Request Form
The foreign payment request form (FIN 6).
Quality Framework supporting document - Due Diligence Financial Risk Matrix
Template for financial due diligence where we are working with a new partner institution. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4c Due diligence scrutiny and partner evaluation.
Quality Framework supporting document - Programme Leader's Annual Report - Enhancement Plan Template
Template for completion by Programme Leaders to record an ongoing enhancement plan for all programmes. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 2 Internal monitoring and review.
Casual Hours Claim Form
Form for casual workers to claim for hours worked.
Pay in Lieu of Pension Policy
This policy applies to those who have tax liability issues caused by accrual of pension. Includes a form to opt out of the pension scheme.
Relocation Expenses Claim Form
Relocation expenses claim form.
Interview Expenses Claim Form
Form so candidates who need to travel to Edinburgh for interview can claim their expenses.
Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Policy
The University is committed to providing a safe and protected environment for its staff and students at all times, and complying with the relevant legislation to ensure that where staff carry out ‘regulated work’ under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) (Scotland) Act 2007 they are PVG scheme members.
Shared Parental Leave Policy
This policy covers the rights and responsibilities of eligible colleagues who wish to take shared parental leave.
Standby and Call Out Policy
This policy stipulates what payments will be made to colleagues who are on standby or respond to a call-out.
Acting up and Additional Responsibility Allowance Policy
This policy provides information regarding colleagues who are acting up or have additional responsibility in their current role.
Attraction and Retention Premium Policy
This policy helps ensure that where necessary, the University can continue to recruit and retain colleagues when the labour market presents difficult conditions.
Unpaid Parental Leave
This policy explains the purpose, eligibility and conditions of unpaid parental leave.
Chair of University Court - Application Form
Application form to be used in the Chair of the University Court appointment process.
Chair of University Court - Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form
Equality and diversity monitoring form to be used in the Chair of the University Court appointment process.
Data Protection Rights - Erasure Request Form
A form for Data Subjects to request erasure of their personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018