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Quality Framework supporting document - Points to be considered during the academic approval process
Points to be considered during the academic approval process. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4e Academic approval.
Quality Framework supporting document - Key dates and activities associated with the academic approval process
Key dates and activities associated with the academic approval process. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4e Academic approval.
Quality Framework supporting document - School annual report template
Template to record the outcome of the analysis undertaken by the Dean of School, or an appropriate individual nominated by them of the deliberate steps being taken across the school’s taught provision to prioritising enhancement activity. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 2a Annual review.
Quality Framework supporting document - Example agenda for the preparatory meeting for Institution-Led Review (ILR)
This guide is intended to support the ILR preparatory meeting (held at least 12 months in advance of the ILR event), by prompting areas for discussion and capturing key discussion points. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 2b Institution-Led Review.
Quality Framework supporting document - Guide for students on participating in Institution-Led Review (ILR)
This guide is to be shared with students when their programme is about to go through ILR and we would like them to be involved. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 2b Institution-Led Review.
Quality Framework supporting document - Recording the outcome of an initial discussion
Template to record the outcome of an initial discussion. It provides the Collaborative Provision Committee with early notification of a potential partnership. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4a Early consideration.
Quality Framework supporting document - Detailed information on a proposal to deliver provision in partnership with another organisation
Template to formally record the detail of a proposal to deliver provision in partnership with another organisation. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4b Developing the proposal.
Quality Framework supporting document - Detailed information on a proposal for a collaborative research award
Template to formally record the detail of a proposal to establish a collaborative research award in partnership with another organisation. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4h Developing the proposal for research degrees.
Quality Framework supporting document - Verification that a proposed collaboration agreement is ready for signature
Form to verify that a proposed collaboration agreement is ready for signature. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 4f Signing the collaboration agreement.
Quality Framework supporting document - Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for credit - certified learning
Form for application for RPL for credit - certified learning. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 7 Recognition of prior learning.