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Role description - People Partner
This is a job description for the People Partner role within the People Team.
Information Security Classification Scheme (ISCS)
The University's ISCS provides a framework for staff to consider risks in respect of different types of data held, used and transmitted within the University. It also provides guidance on the storage and transmittal of information based upon the level of risk.
Visitor leaflet Craiglockhart
Information for visitors on fire emergency procedures.
Visitor leaflet Sighthill
Information for visitors on fire emergency procedures.
Visitor leaflet Merchiston
Information for visitors on fire emergency procedures.
Timetabling Process
The purpose of the Timetabling Process document is to ensure that the University has defined and established processes in place for the delivery of the University’s Timetabling Policy.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Exemptions
Exemptions to Academic Regulations for the academic year 2024-25.
ENhance Case Study - Integrating professional practice methods for practical, autonomous learning
In this case study, Neil Shearer (SCEBE) shares how students become comfortable with exploring the unknown, as is expected in industry, for Materials Engineering students.
ENhance Active Learning Case Study - PGDE Physics
In this case study, Dr Heather Earnshaw shares her approach to active learning in PGDE Teacher Education and considerations which inform this.
ENhance Case Study - Impact of Authentic Assessment in PG Biology
In this case study, Amy Dillon (SAS) shares how she supported students to embrace authentic assessment to build inclusive practice and tackle plagiarism.
ENhance Case Study - Mid-module student feedback to realise support needs
In this case study, Amy Dillon shares how she enhanced mid-module feedback participation to enhance ability to fulfil student support needs.
ENhance Case Study - AI in Professional Practice
Dr Janis MacCallum shares practice on supporting appropriate Generative Artificial Intelligence use for biology students in the School of Applied Sciences, building on DLTE resources such as the AI Toolkit and AI Coversheet.
Programme Leader Checklist
This document is a guide to tasks which Programme Leaders are expected to complete at various stages of the role and the academic year.
Programme Leader Remit
This describes the broad duties and expectations of a programme leader (PL), including recruitment, programme management, quality enhancement and oversight of learning & teaching.
Lay Court Member Role Specification
The University is seeking to appoint new lay members of its governing body, the University Court. This provides information on the personal qualities, interests and experience being sought in potential candidates.
Data Protection Policy Statement
This document outlines Edinburgh Napier University's commitment to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of their personal data.
Records Management Policy
The University's records management policy.
Role description - Development Officer
Job description for Development Officer - G4 - Marketing & External Relations
Role description - Subject Librarian
Role description for the Subject Librarian, within the Information Services department, working closely with our School of Health & Social Care.
Role description - Deputy Director Equate Scotland
Job Description for Deputy Director at Equate Scotland
Role description - Research Fellow Learning from Collaborative Storytelling (LoCS)
Role description for a Research Fellow in the Learning from Collaborative Storytelling (LoCS) project which is funded by EPSRC
Role description - Schools Marketing Manager
Role Description for Grade 5 Schools Marketing Manager role based at Sighthill.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
This document outlines the grievance policy and each stage of the procedure from the informal resolution to an appeal.
Role description - Database, Operations and Insights Manager
Role Description for G5 Database, Operations and Insights Manager for Marketing & External Relations
Role description - Research Fellow in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction
Role description for Research Fellow in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction in SCEBE
Role description - Senior Vacation Letting Assistant
Role description for the Senior Vacation Letting Assistant in the Property and Facilities department
Role description - Vacation Letting Assistant
Role description for the Vacation Letting Assistant in the Property and Facilities department.
Performance Improvement Policy
This policy provides a clear framework for the consistent management of underperformance and applies to all employees.
Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
Information on the policy and process for disciplinaries including informal support and the formal procedure.
Third-party privileged access policy
This policy covers the anyone who accesses the University's systems, in any sort of support, administrative or privileged user capacity, where their primary affiliation is to an organisation other than the University.
Mobile computing policy
This policy details how to ensure safe mobile working and ease of use and with the capability to connect and access resources such as email, online storage, and University business systems and data sources.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) - QR Code setup guide
This guide explains how to set up MFA for staff and students.
Your University laptop - guidance for overseas colleagues
How to use a University laptop for colleagues based overseas.
Electronic information security policy
This policy applies to all use of information and information technology on the University’s premises, to all information technology provided by the University wherever it is used, and to all external access to the University’s information technology from wherever this is initiated.
Electronic information security policy - monitoring and logging policy
This subsidiary policy covers the monitoring and logging of all uses of information technology.
Electronic information security policy - user policy
This subsidiary policy covers everything that an information technology ‘user’ requires to know. ‘Users’ are those that only use services provided to them as part of their role at the University and in the way the services are intended to be used by the service provider.
Role description - Research Centre Project Manager
Role Description for Grade 5 Research Centre Project Manager position with SHSC