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Quality Framework - Section 4g Additional monitoring and review activities
The Quality Framework is the definitive source of information on the University’s approach to academic quality assurance and enhancement. Section 4g Additional monitoring and review activities.
Quality Framework - Section 4h Developing the proposal for research degrees
The Quality Framework is the definitive source of information on the University’s approach to academic quality assurance and enhancement. Section 4h Developing the proposal for research degrees.
Quality Framework supporting document - Template of Module Leader's Evaluative Report
Template for completion by Module Leaders following each delivery of a module. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 2 Internal monitoring and review.
Quality Framework - Section 7 Recognition of prior learning
The Quality Framework is the definitive source of information on the University’s approach to academic quality assurance and enhancement. Section 7 Recognition of prior learning.
Quality Framework supporting document - Template of Programme Leader's Annual Report
Template for completion by Programme Leaders each year to record the deliberative steps taken to enhance the programme. Relates to Quality Framework - Section 2 Internal monitoring and review.
Quality Framework - Section 4 Managing provision delivered in partnership
The Quality Framework is the definitive source of information on the University’s approach to academic quality assurance and enhancement. Section 4 Managing provision delivered in partnership.
Quality Framework - Section 4a Early consideration
The Quality Framework is the definitive source of information on the University’s approach to academic quality assurance and enhancement. Section 4a Early consideration.
Quality Framework supporting document - Guidance for the development of Masters-level provision
These guidelines are intended to support the development and approval of extended Masters provision within the University. It must be read alongside the University’s Quality Framework.
Quality Framework supporting document - Operational Guide to Franchising
This operational guidance document details the University's approach to establishing and maintaining delivery of programmes through a franchise arrangement. It must be read alongside the University’s Quality Framework (specifically section 4).
Coursework Extension Form RE1 2024-25
The form to request an extension to an assessed coursework deadline for academic year 2024-25.