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Code of Practice for the Management of University Contractors and Works
Code of practice for all contractors and works at the University.
Guide to filming
A guide for students and staff on filming at the University campuses.
Bake sale guidelines
Food safety guidelines for staff, student or charity bake sales.
Exterior shoots - Craiglockhart campus
A guide for students, staff and external videographers on exterior filming at the Craiglockhart campus.
Statutory Inspections
Policy to ensure that all items of plant and equipment that require to be inspected and tested for statutory compliance, safety or quality reasons are: identified, inspected by a competent body, monitored to ensure compliance and maintained to the required standard.
Electrical Portable Appliance Testing Policy
The University will provide resource and maintain appropriate management systems, systems of work and equipment to ensure that electrical risks to all staff, students and others associated with the use of portable electrical appliances are controlled.
Visitor leaflet Craiglockhart
Information for visitors on fire emergency procedures.
Visitor leaflet Sighthill
Information for visitors on fire emergency procedures.
Visitor leaflet Merchiston
Information for visitors on fire emergency procedures.