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Open Access Policy
To be eligible for future research assessment exercises, higher education institutions (HEIs) are required to implement processes and procedures to comply with the REF Open Access policy. This policy sets out the requirements.
Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research Framework
The Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EEDI) framework outlines the University's expectations of equal opportunities on research and innovation (R&I) activities, funding and representation on funding decision panels.
Code of Practice on Research Integrity
The Code of Practice on Research Integrity defines the research principles and practices to which all students and staff at the University are required to adhere. The Code underpins the University’s commitment to promoting high standards of ethical practice by all those undertaking research.
Research Data Management Policy
This policy applies to all researchers and support staff employed to conduct research and innovation activities at ENU. The policy covers all data, information and records created, received, and maintained during research activities, in any format whether physical and electronic.
Research Misconduct Policy
The University is committed to the highest standards of research and all research should be carried out with integrity. The University has a Code of Practice for Research Integrity which sets out the general principles of conduct by which the University expects research to be carried out.
Export Control Policy
In the academic context, export controls are most likely to apply in relation to scientific and technical research with military, nuclear, chemical, biological, missile and aerospace applications. This policy applies to all employed to conduct research and innovation activities at the University.
REF2021 Code of Practice
The University is required to ensure that Research Excellence Framework (REF) procedures do not discriminate unlawfully against, or otherwise have the effect of harassing or victimising individuals from protected characteristics. This is Edinburgh Napier�s REF 2021 Code of Practice.
Timetabling policy
This policy sets out the guiding principles and parameters which inform the University’s planning, prioritisation and management of timetabled space.
Use of foyer space / public places guidelines
Policy on booking University foyer space.
Guide to filming
A guide for students and staff on filming at the University campuses.