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Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Academic Integrity
The Academic Integrity Regulations set and maintain acceptable standards of academic practice within the University community for the academic year 2024-25.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Amendments
Amendments to Academic Regulations for the academic year 2024-25.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2023-24 and 2024-25 - Part 1 Introduction and Overview
The University’s Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) - Part 1 Introduction and Overview for the academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 reflects our commitment to valuing complaints. It seeks to resolve dissatisfaction as close as possible to the point of service delivery.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2023-24 and 2024-25- Part 4 Governance
The University's Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) - Part 4 Governance for the academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 details roles and responsibilities and ensures that there is an effective CHP, with a robust investigation process that demonstrates how we learn from the complaints we receive.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2023-24 and 2024-25- Part 3 Process
The University's Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) - Part 3 Process for the academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 details the process for managing a complaint.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2023-24 and 2024-25 - Guidance
The Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) Guidance for academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 describes the University's complaints procedure and how to make a complaint. It also tells you about how we will handle your complaint and what you can expect from us.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2023-24 and 2024-25 - Unacceptable Actions Policy
The University's Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) - Unacceptable Actions Policy for the academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 explains how we will approach situations when the behaviour of individuals using our CHP is unacceptable because it involves abuse of our staff or our processes.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Extenuating Circumstances, Extensions and Deferrals
The Extenuating Circumstances, Extensions and Deferrals Regulations apply to all matriculated students of the University whose ability to complete an assessment of any type on the due date has been adversely affected by extenuating circumstances for the academic year 2024-25.
Fitness to Practise Regulations 2024-25
The Fitness to Practise Regulations for the academic year 2024-25 apply to students on Nursing, Midwifery, Veterinary Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work and Professional Graduate Diploma in Education, programmes to consider cases where there is cause for concern.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Section B Undergraduate Regulations
The Academic Regulations Section B Undergraduate Regulations, provide specific regulations which apply to all SCQF level 7, 8, 9 and 10 modules approved by the University for the academic year 2024-25.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Section A General Regulations
The Academic Regulations Section A General Regulations, provide overarching regulations which apply to all modules and programmes of study approved by the University at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for the academic year 2024-25.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Graduate Academic Integrity
The Graduate Academic Integrity Regulations may be invoked against anyone who has graduated with an award from the University where concerns over their academic integrity have been raised for the academic year 2024-25.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Section C Taught Masters Regulations
The Academic Regulations Section C Taught Master's Regulations, provide specific regulations which apply to all SCQF level 11 modules approved by the University for the academic year 2024-25.
Dual Career Athlete and Coach Policy 2024-25
The Dual Career Athlete and Coach Policy for the academic year 2024-25 details the University's commitment to supporting its student athlete and coach population.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Section E Regulations for Programmes in the School of Health and Social Care (SHSC)
The Academic Regulations Section E Regulations for Pre-Registration Programmes of Study within the SHSC, provide specific programme-specific regulations which apply to pre-registration programmes of study in nursing, midwifery and the Allied Health Professions for the academic year 2024-25.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2023-24 and 2024-25- Part 2 When to Use
The University's Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) - Part 2 When to Use for the academic years 2023-24 and 2024-25 details what a complaint is and that anyone who receives, requests, or is affected by our services can make a complaint.
Academic Regulations 2024-25 - Section F Regulations for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Social Work Programmes
These regulations provide programme-specific regulations for Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) pre-registration approved programmes of study in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy and Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) approved programme(s) in social work for the academic year 2024-25.
Academic Regulations 2022-23 - Exemptions
Exemptions to Academic Regulations for the academic year 2022-23.
Student Conduct Regulations 2024-25
The Student Conduct Regulations for academic year 2024-25 set and maintain acceptable standards of behaviour within the University community and ensure all matters relating to the non-academic misconduct allegations made against students are dealt with fairly and consistently.
Fitness to Practise Regulations 2020-21
The Fitness to Practise Regulations for the academic year 2020-21 apply to students on Nursing, Midwifery, Veterinary Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social Work and Professional Graduate Diploma in Education, programmes to consider cases where there is cause for concern.