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University Court Main Agenda Headings 2019-12-16
Summary meeting agenda for University Court, the University's governing body.
University Court Approved Minutes 2016-03-14
Approved minutes of University Court, the University's governing body.
University Court Approved Minutes 2018-06-18
Approved minutes of University Court, the University's governing body.
University Court Approved Minutes 2024-06-24
Approved minutes of University Court, the University's governing body.
Personal Development Tutor (PDT) guidance for staff
This guidance provides support to Personal development Tutors (PDTs), to enhance the student experience, and to provide a consistent approach to Personal Development Tutoring at the University.
ENhance Case Study - Sound Design
Example of practice in learning, teaching and assessment to support professional development.
ENhance Quick Guides - Digital and Information Literacy
Guidance on how ENhance curriculum framework themes can be applied across the University.
ENhance Case Study - Employability Skills
Example of practice in learning, teaching and assessment to support professional development.
ENhance Case Study - Biology Industry Advisory Groups
Example of practice in learning, teaching and assessment to support professional development.
ENhance Quick Guides - Research and Practice Integration
Guidance on how ENhance curriculum framework themes can be applied across the University.