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Research Induction Checklist
Introduction checklist for new research staff.
Academic Appointment and Promotions Framework
Framework for the appointment and promotion of academic staff.
Recruitment Fair Processing Notice
Provides information of General Data Protection Regulations and Recruitment
Recruitment Privacy Notice
Provides information of General Data Protection Regulations and Recruitment
Relocation Expenses Policy
The University aims to recruit the highest calibre staff and this is policy is intended to financially support new staff who meet the criteria to relocate to Edinburgh.
Travel and Expenses Policy
The University is committed to paying all employee expenses incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the performance of University business both within the UK and overseas. This policy provides some guiding principles which aim to help the University achieve a consistent approach.
Conflict of Interests Policy Framework
The University's conflict of interests policy, which members of staff at all levels and any associates acting on behalf of the University are expected to observe and adhere to.
Lothian Pension Fund (LPF) Pension Bandings 2024-25
Pension bandings for staff in the Lothian Pension Fund (LPF).
Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This document provides answers to common questions about the University’s Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme.
Attendance Management Policy
This policy provides a clear framework for reporting, recording and managing all sickness absences in a fair and consistent way.