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Early Career Academic (ECA) Development Programme - Onboarding Guide
This guide supports early career academics (ECAs) joining the University understand the expectations of their new role.
Data Protection - Surveillance Equipment Systems Code
The University's Surveillance Equipment, including CCTV, code of practice.
Merchiston library family study room terms and conditions of use
Terms and conditions for use of the Merchiston library family study room.
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Associate Fellowship of Advance HE
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Associate Fellowship of Advance HE is for those agreeing to take on the role of advocate for a submission for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) via ENroute, the University's Professional Recognition Framework.
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Fellowship of Advance HE
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Fellowship of Advance HE is for those agreeing to take on the role of advocate for a submission for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) via ENroute, the University's Professional Recognition Framework.
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Principal Fellowship of Advance HE
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Principal Fellowship of Advance HE is for those agreeing to take on the role of advocate for a submission for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) via ENroute, the University's Professional Recognition Framework.
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Senior Fellowship of Advance HE
ENroute Guidance Notes for Advocates - Senior Fellowship of Advance HE is for those agreeing to take on the role of advocate for a submission for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) via ENroute, the University's Professional Recognition Framework.
Advance HE transition to Professional Standards Framework (PSF) 2023
Information for the transition at the University from the current Advance HE UK Professional Standards Framework 2011 which is being retired and replaced with the revised version Advance HE Professional Standards Framework (PSF) 2023.
ENroute Experiential Route to Fellowship Handbook - A guide to gaining Fellowship of Advance HE (UKPSF 2011)
ENroute Experiential Route to Fellowship (the Scheme) Handbook - A guide to gaining Fellowship of Advance HE focuses on one of the two routes to Fellowship at the University - the experiential route, commonly referred to as the Scheme. It offers guidance to participants, mentors and reviewers.
Adverse Events in Research Reporting Procedure
The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure for identifying, recording and reporting adverse events (AEs) and urgent safety measures (USMs) occurring in research projects that are sponsored by the University.