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Notification Procedure for a student or staff death
In the event of a student or staff death this procedure should be observed to ensure that there is the correct level of response and there is no confusion in areas of responsibility or communication.
Code of Practice for the Management of University Contractors and Works
Code of practice for all contractors and works at the University.
Print to a multi-function device (MFD) from a personal iPhone or iPad
This guide explains how to print to a MFD from a personal iPhone or iPad.
Print to a multi-function device (MFD) from a personal Apple MacBook
This guide explains how to print to a MFD from a personal Apple MacBook.
Print to a multi-function device (MFD) from a personal Android device
This guide explains how to print to a MFD from a personal Android device.
Print to a multi-function device (MFD) from a personal Microsoft Windows laptop
This guide explains how to print to a MFD from a personal Windows laptop.
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Purchase order terms and conditions.
Coursework Extension Form RE1 2024-25
The form to request an extension to an assessed coursework deadline for academic year 2024-25.
Coursework Extension Form RE1 2019-20
The form to request an extension to an assessed coursework deadline for academic year 2019-20.
Coursework Extension Form RE1 2020-21
The form to request an extension to an assessed coursework deadline for academic year 2020-21.