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Annual Procurement Report
The University's Annual Procurement Report covers the period of 01 August 2023 to 31 July 2024 and addresses performance and achievements in delivering the organisational procurement strategy.
Colleague benefits flyer
An overview of employee benefits offered by the University.
Role description - Research Assistant DevOps
Role description for a Research Assistant (DevOps) working on the Digital Twin project.
External Examiner Information Pack
This guide is to provide details of the life cycle and the support available for external examiners.
Role description - Research Project Administrator
Role description for a Research Project Administrator
HE Excellence in Research Awards - 10-year progress report - 2021
The University received the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission in December 2010 and retained it in 2018 after an external review process. This document summarises our progress against our Concordat Action Plan as part of our external 10-year review.
Role description - Research Fellow SharkScape
Role description for a Research Fellow position responsible for the day-to-day running of the SharkScape project.
Role description - Safeguarding Adviser
Role description for a Safeguarding Advisor who will will be the lead advisor for gender based violence.
Role description - Training and Network Engagement Coordinator
Role Description for G4 Training and Network Engagement Coordinator for Equate Scotland
Role description - Lecturer Craiglockhart
Standard Role Description for Lecturer based at Craiglockhart