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Taught Postgraduate Assessment Board Decision Codes 2024-25
A list of assessment board decision codes for Taught Postgraduate programmes for the 2024-25 session. Includes the meaning of the decision code and the corresponding student communication.
Undergraduate Module Decisions and Codes
Table with module decision codes and the corresponding board decision and action required for Undergraduate modules.
Flowchart for Board Decisions - September start 180 Credit Programmes
Flowchart for the School Support Service to reference during board decisions for students starting in September on 180 credit programmes.
Flowchart for Undergraduate TR2 Board Decisions
Flowchart to determine which decision code to use for undergraduate programme boards in trimester 2.
Taught Postgraduate Module Decisions and Codes
Table with module decision codes and the corresponding board decision and action required for Taught Postgraduate modules.
Undergraduate Assessment Board Decision Codes 2023-24
A list of assessment board decision codes for Undergraduate programmes for the 2023-24 session. Includes the meaning of the decision code and the corresponding student communication.
Certification of Student Learning Policy
This policy covers all certification of student engagement and achievement in learning activities for all credit bearing and non-credit bearing activities, including a formal award of the university (as outlined in the university regulations) or CPD/short courses.
Timetabling Process
The purpose of the Timetabling Process document is to ensure that the University has defined and established processes in place for the delivery of the University’s Timetabling Policy.