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Policy on the use of Captured Content
A policy outlining the approach, rights and responsibilities for the University, staff, and students around our commitment to ensuring suitable captured content in lectures and teaching is made available to students.
Safeguarding Policy and Support Framework
A policy outlining the steps we take to safeguard the University community and protect them from harm and abuse.
Student Support Quick Guide - A student is considering leaving the University
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - A student is considering a course transfer
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - A student would like some support with homesickness
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - A student is unexpectedly missing
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - A student has a communicable or notifiable disease
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - A student has a query related to faith, belief or religion
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - When a student has died
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.
Student Support Quick Guide - You have a significant concern about a student from a wellbeing perspective
Signposting for staff, to teams within, and services outside the University, for when students need support with issues they are facing.