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Coursework Extensions Policy 2016-17
The Course Extension Policy provides a framework to module leaders, to ensure consistent application of coursework extensions is applied across the University for academic year 2016-17.
Coursework Extensions Policy 2017-18
Coursework Extensions Policy 2017-18
Coursework Extension Form RE1 2019-20
The form to request an extension to an assessed coursework deadline for academic year 2019-20.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2020-21 - Part 2 When to Use
The University's Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) - Part 2 When to Use for the academic year 2020-21 details what a complaint is and that anyone who receives, requests, or is affected by our services can make a complaint.
Coursework Extension Form RE1 2020-21
The form to request an extension to an assessed coursework deadline for academic year 2020-21.
Complaints Handling Procedure 2019-20
The Complaints Handling Procedure (CHP) for academic year 2019-20 reflects the University’s commitment to valuing complaints. Our aim is to resolve issues of dissatisfaction as close to the initial point of contact as possible.
Coursework Extensions Policy 2020-21
The Course Extension Policy provides a framework to module leaders, to ensure consistent application of coursework extensions is applied across the University for academic year 2020-21.
University Emergency Regulations - Covid-19 Pandemic 2019-20 v1.1
This policy document details the University's response to managing the impact of Covid-19 and its associated restrictions on learning, teaching and assessment practices to inform Programme Assessment Board Decisions for the academic year 2019-20.
University Emergency Regulations - Covid-19 Pandemic 2019-20 v1.2
This policy document details the University's response to managing the impact of Covid-19 and its associated restrictions on learning, teaching and assessment practices to inform Programme Assessment Board Decisions for the academic year 2019-20.
Student Conduct Regulations 2019-20
The Student Conduct Regulations for academic year 2019-20 set and maintain acceptable standards of behaviour within the University community and ensure all matters relating to the conduct of students are dealt with fairly and consistently.